Saturday, May 19, 2012

Gardening without Chemicals

You can easily mix your own simple and effective sprays.  Following are probably the most popular among those who like to keep chemicals out of the garden.  I use these solutions instead of chemicals to keep my Grrls safe.  See the Roundup post I've got to see what just this ONE commonly used spray can do to your Dog!

I have two sprayers for the two things I use most often.  One labeled GARLIC and one labeled VINEGAR.  I use them pretty consistently throughout the Spring-Summer-Fall seasons, so I keep them on my back porch.  The others aren't used that much in my household.  For the soap spray, I just put it in a hand held spray bottle and squirt directly on the plants on the deck.

Vinegar Weed Killer
One gallon white wine vinegar - straight.
Pour into a yard sprayer.  Choose a morning when there won't be any rain for a couple of days.  Spray the leaves of the weeds thoroughly and leave on while the sun is shining.  Don't water where you've sprayed the vinegar.  The weeds should begin to wilt in 2-3 days.  If not, apply vinegar again to the leaves and pour some straight vinegar at the root base.  Wait another 2-3 days.

Garlic Spray Insecticide
One whole elephant garlic bulb
Two cups water
One gallon water
Combine in blender the entire garlic bulb and two cups water, and blend on high speed until garlic is finely pureed. Put in storage container and set aside for a day. Strain out pulp, and then mix liquid with one gallon water in sprayer. Spray tops and bottoms of leaves thoroughly. Apply about once a week, and after a rain.

Soap Spray Insecticide
Detergent-based liquid soap, such as dishwashing liquid
Mix one-tablespoon detergent per one gallon water in sprayer. Apply liberally to both tops and bottoms of leaves. Reapply about once a week, or after a rain.

Fungicide Spray
(Treats Powdery Mildew & other fungus)
One gallon water
Three tablespoons baking soda
One teaspoon dishwashing liquid
One tablespoon bleach ( Warning - NO more than this amount )
Mix all ingredients in sprayer and spray all areas on the plant that look affected. It's best to remove all leaves and other parts of the plant that are the worst affected. Apply sparingly to unaffected areas, and keep in mind that too much bleach can harm the plant. Try to avoid getting it on healthy leaves.

Hot Pepper Spray
(Helps repel rabbits, deer, and other nibblers)
6 - 10 Hot Peppers
2 cups water
1 quart water
Combine peppers and two cups water in blender and blend on high speed for 1 - 2 minutes. Pour in storage container with lid and put aside for a day. Strain through cheesecloth, and add this liquid to one quart of water in sprayer. Spray plants liberally every week and after a rain.

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