Thursday, July 14, 2011

Molly's Universe Meditation

Molly's been very busy tapping me on the shoulder, so to speak, of late.  She shows often here and there, always near, though.  I see her flying sometimes, she told me often that the flying was what she missed most about being in Spirit form.  I think that's why dogs love to put their heads out the window so much when you're driving - it feels like you're flying again.

After this meditation, I found that I when I closed my eyes for several days afterward, I saw a spiral galaxy, much like our own Milky Way Galaxy.  Molly starts the meditation out the same way each time she leads, so I'll keep to her ways as it works out the best for each time she leads me...

On to the meditation:

Close your eyes.  Take a deep breath while visualizing the number 3 three times on an imaginary blackboard in front of you.  Take another deep breath while seeing the number 2 three times on your imaginary blackboard.  Take another deep breath while seeing the number 1 three times on your imaginary blackboard.

Take another deep breath and reach out for the One Energy.  You won't need to reach far because it's always reaching back, always near, always wanting to be part of you.  Pull the white crisp energy down around you in a column about three times as wide as you are with your arms outstretched.  Pull it down so it envelopes your head, your neck, your shoulders...  As you pull the energy down, allow your muscles to fully relax and soak up the energy.  Continue pulling the energy down through your heart, your arms, and hands, your torso, your hips, your thighs...  Let the energy soak into each area, fully relaxing and accepting the energy.  Pull it further down over your knees, your calves, your ankles, the tops of your feet and toes, the bottoms of your feet.  Push the energy down into the earth, push it all the way to the center of the earth.  Imagine a sort of trampoline at the center of the earth so the white energy melds with the energy of the earth and bounces right back up, quickly jumping to your heart center and spreading out into the world.
Envision a whole space of nothing - it's all just black.  There's nothingness all around you.  You float in the middle of the whole space, knowing completely that this space is awaiting your imagination to come alive.  First, see that Source Energy is present as you.  YOU are Source Energy.  Next, see that there's a spinning hole in the same space you occupy.  The hole is even more black than the space you've been floating in.
See that there's a stream of light feeding from you straight into the hole.  You find you're being sucked into the hole, but you don't mind.  You feel like your entire Spirit is entirely in the hole now, and feeling cramped.  Inside the hole, you continue to feel more and more restricted and want to move around, free like you just were in the space of nothingness.
Suddenly, without any warning at all, you decide to burst forth from the hole, but the process scatters your once single Light into countless small lights.  The spin of the hole spreads your lovely light into myriad fractious directions.  You watch the whole of your Light flow out, lighting every section of what was once a large nothingness.  Observe that it's a lovely place now, full of smaller and smaller lights, each light part of You.
See that it's beautiful and it's all a part of who You are.  Enjoy the view as long as you'd like.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Molly's Guard Petal Pruning Meditation

Molly shared a lovely meditation with me last night.  First, you might need a little background information, though.  A florist gets flowers from the market that show up pretty bruised and ugly.  The flowers go through a whole process of cleaning the bottom leaves off, stripping thorns, cutting off the bottoms of the stems under water, & sitting in warm water treated with preservative water for 24 hours before the flowers even reach the stage where they can be put into an arrangement.  At least, if your florist is a *good* florist, that's the process.

The outside petals of most flowers are, in the world of the florist, called "guard petals."  They get beat up, bruised, pinched, crunched, and look terrible.  But when you peel off the guard petals, a lovely pristine example of the flower emerges.  Guard petals guard the beauty inside.

On to the meditation:

Close your eyes.  Take a deep breath while visualizing the number 3 three times on an imaginary blackboard in front of you.  Take another deep breath while seeing the number 2 three times on your imaginary blackboard.  Take another deep breath while seeing the number 1 three times on your imaginary blackboard.

Take another deep breath and reach out for the One Energy.  You won't need to reach far because it's always reaching back, always near, always wanting to be part of you.  Pull the white crisp energy down around you in a column about three times as wide as you are with your arms outstretched.  Pull it down so it envelopes your head, your neck, your shoulders...  As you pull the energy down, allow your muscles to fully relax and soak up the energy.  Continue pulling the energy down through your heart, your arms, and hands, your torso, your hips, your thighs...  Let the energy soak into each area, fully relaxing and accepting the energy.  Pull it further down over your knees, your calves, your ankles, the tops of your feet and toes, the bottoms of your feet.  Push the energy down into the earth, push it all the way to the center of the earth.  Imagine a sort of trampoline at the center of the earth so the white energy melds with the energy of the earth and bounces right back up, quickly jumping to your heart center and spreading out into the world.

Now, direct some of the energy so it forms a ball between your hands.  You should be able to feel the outsides of the ball, but if you can't find the outside, don't worry, just imagine it being between 10" and 24" between your hands.  Label the ball "My Life" and hold the ball there for a moment.

Imagine the stem of a flower with a few leaves and a small green bud atop in the middle of it.  See that it's in a pool of water and has roots extending into the water, finding nourishment there.  Allow the bud to get some color and bloom into a flower.  Notice the color of the flower.  For each relationship in your life, allow a new petal to form on your flower.  Remember each relationship with people, animals, plants.  Remember to create a petal for each good relationship.  Remember to create a petal for each relationship that is having difficulty.  Remember to create a petal for each creature and plant for each of your meals.  Create a petal for each relationship with the celestial bodies, with your angels, with your dieties, and your guides.  Each petal you create is created in the center of your flower, until your flower is in full bloom.

Now notice there's a small green flame just to the right of the blossom.  See that it's a most unusual flame, though.  It floats, the green flame feeding on nothing, but you see the flame dripping water from it's base into the water your blossom roots take nourishment from.  Allow your bruised and battered relationships to push to the outside of the flower now and pluck the Guard Petal off the outside of the blossom.  Feed the Guard Petal into the top of the green flame.  Watch the flame eat the petal, transforming it into the very nourishing waters your blossom lives on.  Notice the circle of life and honor the battered and bruised petals you feed into your transforming flame, then watch a relationship grow anew in the middle of the blossom from the nourishment of the old petal.

Go through each of your battered and bruised relationships, pruning off the Guard Petals, feeding them into the flame until your flower is a creation of only love and beauty.  Notice that this is your life.  It's a continual process of pruning the Guard Petals off and recycling the energies.

When you're ready, come out of your meditation knowing that you can visit this Flower of Life any time you'd like to do some pruning of the Guard Petals.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Danger Report: Roundup

I just put together - duh - what roundup (the herbacide) does to your puppies.  Here's how it goes.  You spray the roundup on your weeds. Then your pups brush by them or under them or if there's any slight breeze, the roundup blows onto the ground where your pup walks.

Basically, the roundup gets on your pup's paws and fur through one way or another.  Then, being the clean pup s/he is, the tongue bath starts.  That's how the roundup gets ingested.  First, it gets into the skin through the bottoms of the paws.  Second, it gets licked off the paws and goes through the digestive system.

It took me my Molly's whole lifetime to put this together.  Serious duh on my part.  It wasn't until Ladybug started displaying some of the same symptoms Molly displayed that I finally put it all together.

The symptoms:
 Losing control of bladder function
 Sleepiness (it could be fatigue)
 Mood & depression
 Generalized anxiety

All these symptoms show themselves, but don't necessarily disappate a few days after exposure.  The symptoms seem to build, getting worse, each time there's exposure to the roundup.  They do not go away.  They do subside a little bit, but each time they come in contact with the
herbacide, all symptoms come back and stronger than the last time.Eventually, their bodies can't fight it and succumb to something else (like bronchial pneumonia, in Molly's case).

So, a warning for everyone out there who uses roundup or any other herbacide:  KEEP YOUR PUPS OUT OF IT!  DON'T USE IT!

What can you use instead to keep weeds down?  White Wine Vinegar!  Just pour it, straight, into a *CLEAN* weed sprayer container.  Spray it directly onto your weeds, once a month or so, on sunny bright mornings, just like you would spray roundup.  Start spraying it early in the spring, like on Tax Day, April 15.

I "rounded up" the MSDS sheet on Roundup.  It doesn't show the symptoms on it that my pups displayed.  However, there can be no coincidence of those symptoms showing up and getting worse each time we did spray with roundup.