After this meditation, I found that I when I closed my eyes for several days afterward, I saw a spiral galaxy, much like our own Milky Way Galaxy. Molly starts the meditation out the same way each time she leads, so I'll keep to her ways as it works out the best for each time she leads me...
On to the meditation:
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath while visualizing the number 3 three times on an imaginary blackboard in front of you. Take another deep breath while seeing the number 2 three times on your imaginary blackboard. Take another deep breath while seeing the number 1 three times on your imaginary blackboard.
Take another deep breath and reach out for the One Energy. You won't need to reach far because it's always reaching back, always near, always wanting to be part of you. Pull the white crisp energy down around you in a column about three times as wide as you are with your arms outstretched. Pull it down so it envelopes your head, your neck, your shoulders... As you pull the energy down, allow your muscles to fully relax and soak up the energy. Continue pulling the energy down through your heart, your arms, and hands, your torso, your hips, your thighs... Let the energy soak into each area, fully relaxing and accepting the energy. Pull it further down over your knees, your calves, your ankles, the tops of your feet and toes, the bottoms of your feet. Push the energy down into the earth, push it all the way to the center of the earth. Imagine a sort of trampoline at the center of the earth so the white energy melds with the energy of the earth and bounces right back up, quickly jumping to your heart center and spreading out into the world.
Envision a whole space of nothing - it's all just black. There's nothingness all around you. You float in the middle of the whole space, knowing completely that this space is awaiting your imagination to come alive. First, see that Source Energy is present as you. YOU are Source Energy. Next, see that there's a spinning hole in the same space you occupy. The hole is even more black than the space you've been floating in.
See that there's a stream of light feeding from you straight into the hole. You find you're being sucked into the hole, but you don't mind. You feel like your entire Spirit is entirely in the hole now, and feeling cramped. Inside the hole, you continue to feel more and more restricted and want to move around, free like you just were in the space of nothingness.
Suddenly, without any warning at all, you decide to burst forth from the hole, but the process scatters your once single Light into countless small lights. The spin of the hole spreads your lovely light into myriad fractious directions. You watch the whole of your Light flow out, lighting every section of what was once a large nothingness. Observe that it's a lovely place now, full of smaller and smaller lights, each light part of You.
See that it's beautiful and it's all a part of who You are. Enjoy the view as long as you'd like.