Saturday, May 28, 2011

Yenna's Flower in Poopay Meditation

First, I need to explain that "poopay" is also known as "pooh" and feces, aka waste matter discharged from the intestines through the anus; excrement.

Center yourself using Moe's Advice on the Chattering Mind technique.

Bring in source energy to the top of your head.  Allow the energy to blossom the top of your head into a flower.  Cup the energy and collect it like a flower in your garden would cup and collect sunshine.  Imagine the rest of you is the stem, leaves, and roots.  Fill each petal with the light, making it whatever color you want.  The color means stuff, but you can ask your guides about that later.  As the top of the flower collects the source light/energy, feel some energy flow down your stem and into your leaves, then further down your stem, into your roots beneath your feet, into the earth.  Remember that the root systems are as big as what's up top and visible OR BIGGER!

Bring in as much source energy as you can, then look around you at the other flowers struggling to collect the light.  They may have recently had poopay dumped on them and they're struggling to get any light at all.  Look down at the ground around you.  You realize that your ground is full of poopay, too, but with source energy you see that you've transformed it into fertilizer.  Fertilizer is useful for growing flowers, but poopay isn't.

You can help all those other flowers by reaching out to them through your root system, helping to transform the poopay they find themselves stuck underneath into fertilizer!  They can grow into flowers now and help turn poopay into useful fertilizer as they collect source energy and share it through their root systems.

Moe's Basic Training Meditation

Prefer to listen to this instead of read it?

Center yourself first, using the technique Moe gave me first.

Now, create a ball of light, white light - so white it's almost blue, about a foot across between your hands.  Feel that it's there, then let your hands drop to a comfortable situation to rest.  Project YOU into this ball of light and look out from inside it.  This is who YOU really are.  (Thought form, free, beautiful, powerful, confident, unlimited.)

Have another person (canine, human, plant, animal, non-bodied) create a ball of light similar to yours and project themselves into it.

Look at the other person from your light ball and note that you both look the same, except, possibly, for the degree of motion or frequency set forth in the two spheres.

Now, bring your two lights closer together until they merge into one.  At this point, you should be able to see/hear/feel/smell/taste things the other one experiences - things that "belong" to the other person.  Ask questions and share!

Stay connected/merged.
Come out of your passive meditation into a dynamic/active meditation and write notes about your conversation; note any aches/pains that weren't in your body before the meditation, allow for automatic writing to occur at this time.

Go back into passive meditation.  Love and thank the other being's essence (lightball).  Now, gently drift your two lights apart, so they are once again separate lightballs.  You may see a new string of light connecting them together now.  This "string" is how most people get 6th sense information from others.  

Cleanse out anything left that's not yours, instruct the other being on how to cleanse out their person if they don't already know how.  Come out of meditation.

Journal/record your insights.  Reflect & consider the answers.  Make a list of new questions.  Let the answers you already got simmer for a little while, then, in a few days, do it again!

However, when the two lightballs were merged, that was true esp senses.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Moe's Advice on the Chattering Mind

Wanna listen to this instead of read it?

I meditate pretty often.  One of the things I struggle with is quieting the chattering brain so I can actually meditate and benefit from it.  Moe gave me a solution today.

Just before meditation, sit quietly and ask your chatter to give you all the facts about the stuff it's yapping about.  Just the facts, only the facts.  Get those from your chattering self, then ask for only the facts that you can do something about immediately.  If you get anything back, go take care of those things immediately.

When you come back to your meditative space, ask again if there's a fact you can take care of immediately.  When there's nothing that comes back, it's time to ask for all the emotions, only the emotions you're feeling.  Ask your chattering self for only the emotions that you can take care of immediately.  If anything comes back, FEEL the emotion, then return to asking if there's any other emotions you can take care of immediately.

Now, ask if there's anything else that needs your attention immediately.  You may get a fact, you may get an emotion, but most likely, you'll get a whole lot of ...nothing & quiet.  Congratulations!  You've given your chatter-mind your undivided attention and now it's rewarding you with quiet and contentment.

Now you know you're ready for your meditation!